Open Telekom Cloud Sphinx theme

otcdocstheme is a theme and extension support for Sphinx documentation that is published to

It is intended for use by OpenTelekomCloud projects.

Using the theme


Prior to using this theme, ensure your project can use the OpenTelekomCloud brand by referring to the brand guidelines at


Some of the settings below are included in the file generated by Sphinx when you initialize a project, so they may already have values that need to be changed.

  1. Update the requirements list for your project to include otcdocstheme (usually in test-requirements.txt or doc/requirements.txt).

  2. Once done, you should add 'otcdocstheme' to the list of extensions Sphinx needs to initialize and configure the theme:

    extensions = [
        # ...
        # ...
    html_theme = 'otcdocs'
  3. Set the options to link to the git repository and bug tracker.


    FQDN of the used git hosting. It is used to construct page edit/source/bug links. is a default value.


    The prefix and repo name. For example, 'opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions'.


    Git hosting type. Can be one of github, gitea and also used for calculating links. github is a default value.

  4. Configure “edit”, “report bug” behaviour.


    Whether page “Edit” functionality shoud be enabled or not. True is a default.


    Optional URL to be used for “Edit”. Default value based on git_type and git_fqdn is used if not set.


    Whether “Report Issue” functionality shoud be enabled or not. True is a default.


    Optional URL to be used for “Report Issue”. Default value based on git_type and git_fqdn is used if not set.

  5. Remove the options that will be automatically configured by the theme.

    • project

    • html_last_updated_fmt

    • latex_engine

    • latex_elements

    In addition, if your documentation is versioned, you should remove the options related to versioning.

    • version

    • release

Additional Configuration

If you are using this theme for API reference documentation, set the sidebar navigation in the html_theme_options in the file:

# To use the API Reference sidebar dropdown menu,
# uncomment the html_theme_options parameter.  The theme
# variable, sidebar_dropdown, should be set to `api_ref`.
# Otherwise, the list of links for the User and Ops docs
# appear in the sidebar dropdown menu.
html_theme_options = {
    # ...
    "sidebar_dropdown": "api_ref",
    "sidebar_mode": "toc",
    # ...

If you are using this theme for documentation you want to release based on git tags on your repository, set the release dropdown menu option in the html_theme_options in the file. By default it is set to False:

html_theme_options = {
    # ...
    "show_other_versions": "True",
    # ...


Do not use this for release-notes as they are always published as one document with internal versioning.

Following additional options are supported by the theme:

  • display_whats_next: Show “Whats next” footer under the main content

  • display_last_updated: Show “Last updated” footer

  • disable_search: Disable search box

  • disable_global_nav: Disable global navigation on the top header row

Demonstration example

The demo documentation provides example output to ensure it matches what’s expected. The link below points to the example output when using the theme for all documentation that is not API reference.