Change History

Released On

What's New


Updated Exporting DCS Instance List and How Do I Access a DCS Redis Instance Through Redis Desktop Manager?.


Modified the following content:

August 17, 2023

Modified the following content:

August 7, 2023

Modified the following content:

Updated Master/Standby Redis, Accessing a DCS Redis Instance Through redis-cli, and Viewing Details of a DCS Instance.

Added Connection Pool Selection and Recommended Jedis Parameter Settings, Should I Use a Domain Name or an IP Address to Connect to a DCS Redis Instance?, and Is the Read-only Address of a Master/Standby Instance Connected to the Master or Standby Node?.

April 17, 2023

Modified the following content:

January 31, 2023

Modified the following content:

October 19, 2022

Added the following FAQs:

Why Does a Key Disappear in Redis?

Will Cached Data Be Retained After an Instance Is Restarted?

How Do I View Current Concurrent Connections and Maximum Connections of a DCS Redis Instance?

Why Is the Rejected Connections Metric Displayed?

Why Is Flow Control Triggered? How Do I Handle It?

Big/Hot Key Analysis and Expired Key Scan

August 29, 2022

Modified the following content:

Added description about security groups and whitelist configuration in sections Creating a DCS Redis Instance, Security Group Configurations, What Should I Do If an Error Is Returned When I Use the Jedis Connection Pool?, How Do I Troubleshoot Redis Connection Failures?, and Why Aren't Security Groups Configured for DCS Redis 4.0/5.0/6.0 Instances?

August 9, 2022

Modified the following content:

July 13, 2022

Modified the following content:

Added description about system resources and modified the procedure for enabling auto backup in section Creating a DCS Redis Instance.

April 11, 2022

Modified the following content:

Added description about accessing an instance in different languages. For details, see Accessing an Instance.

Added section Managing Shards and Replicas.

June 30, 2021

Modified the following content:

November 20, 2020

Modified the following content:

July 13, 2021

Modified the following content:

Added detailed description about permissions management in sections Permissions and Permissions Management.


Modified the following content:

September 30, 2020

Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Changed the cluster instance type to Proxy Cluster in section What Is DCS?

  • Removed description about creating multiple instances in batches and modified password complexity requirements in section Creating a DCS Redis Instance.

  • Removed the instance topology parameter in section Viewing Details of a DCS Instance.

  • Changed the default value of the reserved-memory-percent parameter to 0 and added a note clarifying that the configuration parameters supported by single-node and master/standby instances are different in section Modifying Configuration Parameters.

  • Modified the special characters that the passwords cannot contain in section Changing Instance Passwords.

  • Removed the section which describes the function of viewing data storage statics of a Proxy Cluster instance.

  • Added a note clarifying that the backup policy function is not supported by single-node instances in section Configuring an Automatic Backup Policy.

  • Removed Redis Server and Proxy metrics from section Monitoring.


Modified the following content:


Accepted in OTC-4.0/Agile-04.2019.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Opened certain Redis cluster commands. For details about compatibility with DCS commands, see Command Compatibility.


Added the following content:

Modified the following content:

  • Changed instance password complexity rules.


Added the following content:


Added the following content:

  • Added descriptions about batch deletion of DCS instances.

  • Added descriptions about the Redis-specific parameter latency-monitor-threshold.


Added the following content:

  • Added descriptions of DCS metrics monitored by Cloud Eye.


This issue is the first official release.